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发表于 2011-6-8 20:50 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
http://www.dayoo.com/ http://www.dayoo.com 2009-05-08 14:29







迄今“法轮功”没有能够否认行凶者的“法轮功”人员身份。“法轮功”媒体——希望之声国际广播电台援引荷兰法轮大法协会主席彼得-胡本(Peter Houben)的话称,尽管嫌犯自称是法轮功学员,可是他很明显的没有遵循法轮功的教导。 2008-12-19 来源:凯风网 法轮功”在海外华人社团很不受欢迎,尤其在美国华人主流社区中普遍失去同情心,同时引发不满。






●瑞典市民Martin Rundkvist2008年3月7日通过其博客呼吁人们:“把它(‘法轮功’)看成是中国的科学教派或者雷尔教派。”

●英国网友Paul Stott在博客里说,“法轮功”是“怪僻的宗教老鼠”。


●2007年底,美国KAZN-AM (1300)电台热门华语脱口秀节目主持人Cat Chao称:“‘法轮功’是邪门巫术!” ●新西兰克赖斯特彻奇网友Ccm2008年3月在其博客上说:“(‘法轮功’信徒)都是一些无知的人,不知道谁在真正控制她们。”
发表于 2011-6-8 22:43 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2011-6-8 23:04 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2011-6-9 09:45 | 只看该作者

荷兰一法轮功习练者杀人烹尸 被判接受精神治疗(中英对照)

2007-11-23   来源:中国新闻网 

中新社北京七月二十六日电 上个月,荷兰海牙法庭审结了一起骇人听闻的杀人烹尸案。据荷兰Expatica网报道,海牙法庭六月二十二日裁定,这名涉嫌“杀人烹尸”的男子因患有精神病而被判接受强制精神治疗。








Schizoid Falun Gong practitioner's killing and frying the deceased, horrifying the Dutch

Last Friday ( June 8, 2007), the Hague court of Dutch began its trial against a Chinese Falun Gong practitioner, Long-Long G or L.L.G, who was accused of murder and dismembering the corpse. Both national and local media in Netherlands had reported this horrifying homicide case and explicitly suggested its Falun Gong connection. It was considered by the prosecutor as the rarest tragedy in Dutch's criminal history.

Related reporting had been made on April 7 this year, with no information about the muderer's background and means of killing being released to public however.

The 30-year-old suspect confessed in court that he killed 22-years-old Joosst Vastenhouw from Alphen Aan Den Rijn who had dwelled with him in the same house, after the killing he had dismembered, minced, stir-fried and baked the pieces of the corpse. Recently, the Psychic Research Institute of the Dutch Justice Department held an examination on the muderer, the findings showed that the murderer was diagnosed as pathologically insane, suffering from schizophrenia and chronic paranoia.

In court, the accused made no direct response to the accusation of murder and corpse dismembering. The Institute report was quoted by the judge as saying that the accused admitted that he committed the killing for psychic and soul's reason, since the deity he worshipped came into a crash with the victim's deity five hundred years ago, they would collide with each other at a higher levell of cosmic space. According to the accused, he bore no grievances with the dead personally.

Based on the Institute report, the public prosecutor suggested giving the killer compelling psychic treatment.

The deceased disappeared after October 3, 2006. One week later, the police arrested Long-Long who cohabited with Joosst's nursing father. It was said by the neighbors that the suspect didn't get along well with Joosst who still lived together with his nursing father. It was also said that Long-Long and Joosst always quarreled and they had a bicker exactly on the day when Joosst disappeared. Some neighbor saw the suspect throw bags of meat into the trash can after the disappearance of Joosst.

The suspect did not confess the fact of killing Joosst until the end of March this year. Later he made a confession that he had bought 20 bottles of sunflower-seed oil. He cut up the corpse and put it into several pans. He deep fried each part of the corpse first, then baked them in a stove and finally threw them to penstocks and trash cans. According to the suspect's affidavit, the police started to retrieve the corpse from the water in this March and got 43 parts of the body.

According to the suspect's affidavit, the deceased was about to turn on the computer on the night of crime. The suspect held an ax in his hands, suddenly cleaving the deceased's head for seven times that his head almost dropped from his neck, and then the suspect pulled the corpse into the bathroom, cutting it up.

Coming to Netherlands to serve as a sexual partner for men

The journalist from Public Daily of Netherlands interviewed the murderer's elder sister. It was said that the killer, born in mainland China, was very naughty and unruly since he was a little boy. He was kicked out of middle school in 1994 and then went to Beijing, working in Crazy Disco Hall to make a living, and later he even became a male prostitute. Two years later, he met a Dutch, thinking about going to Netherlands to make money and even not hesitating to become a male prostitute.

However, in the early days of August 2003 when Long-Long just arrived in Netherlands, he worked in a Chinese restaurant. Half a year later, Long-Long met Joosst's nursing father in a gay bar of Amsterdam and started to cohabit with him in Alphen. In fact, Long-Long did so for residing in Netherlands, while Joosst's nursing father was for sex. Long-Long, Joosst and his nursing father shared one home. According to Joosst's nursing father, "the relationship between the murderer and Joosst is just so so, but not too bad in the past."

Then the suspect ended the sexual relationship with the Dutch man but still stayed in his house, but the violent thought of murder was gradually come into being.

The murderer said that he had decided to kill Joosst five days before the murder happened and it was a kind of spiritual force that conveyed the mission. The reason why he had cut up, deep-fried and baked the corpse was because he tried to expel Joosst spirit out of his body.

The murderer also confessed that his first plan was to do it on September 30, but after the meditation he got a message from God that it should happen on October 3.

Spat because of practicing Falun Gong

Dutch media reported that Long-Long was obsessed with Falun Gong after he came to Netherlands and before he met the deceased's nursing father. He called himself a Falun Gong believer and always sat quietly and contemplated at home.

In the process of practicing Falun Gong, the suspect's illusion and extremity became more and more severe. In the early days of last year, the suspect said that there was certain kind of voice in his brain. Then he sensed the weird atmosphere at home, so in March he went to Rotterdam and had been there for half a year. During that period, he became excitable. When he came back to Alphen Aan Den Rijn in July, he ended the sexual relationship with the deceased's nursing father. But the man allowed him to continue to stay at his home for fear that Long-Long would lost the residence in Netherlands. The Dutch man said that he was afraid that Long-Long would be punished if he went back to China for he was a Falun Gong believer.

However, the relationship between the suspect and Joosst turned out to be tenser since then. The deceased was fond of playing bourdon guitar, which disturbed the murderer who needed to practice Falun Gong quietly, resulting regular quarrels between them.

Public Daily reported that the suspect once looked for other Falun Gong believers before the murder and asked how to kill a person, but no specific persons were proved to have contact with the suspect.

The suspect turned out to be aloof and indifferent in court. The judge asked him why a headless body of partridge appeared in his coffee pot while its head was thrown into a water tank when he was in prison. He answered that because the flesh of the bird contained evil soul, just as Joosst did.

On June 22, a judicial decision will be made on this horrifying case. Since the suspect is deemed to suffer from schizophrenia, it is probably that he will not be sentenced to imprisonment but receiving compulsive mental treatment. Theoretically, he could be discharged from prison two years later. But according to Dutch compulsive mental treatment system, he might lead his rest life in prison where he is supposed to get rigorous treatment for mental prisoners.

The feedback of this case was very hot in Internet. Some people asked why the newspaper only published the deceased's picture for they suggested publishing the murderer's picture as well, so that other people could know the evil man and be wary of him. Some people worried that according to Dutch judiciary the murderer would be released very soon or take advantage of holiday to commit an offence, as in the past a lot of crime happened during the holiday of the prisoners who got mental treatment.

(www.singtaonet.com, June 11, 2007)
发表于 2011-6-9 09:52 | 只看该作者
原帖由 幽兰盛放 于 2011-6-8 20:50 发表
http://www.dayoo.com/ http://www.dayoo.com 2009-05-08 14:29






●瑞典市民Martin Rundkvist2008年3月7日通过其博客呼吁人们:“把它(‘法轮功’)看成是中国的科学教派或者雷尔教派。”

●英国网友Paul Stott在博客里说,“法轮功”是“怪僻的宗教老鼠”。


●2007年底,美国KAZN-AM (1300)电台热门华语脱口秀节目主持人Cat Chao称:“‘法轮功’是邪门巫术!” ●新西兰克赖斯特彻奇网友Ccm2008年3月在其博客上说:“(‘法轮功’信徒)都是一些无知的人,不知道谁在真正控制她们。”

楼主| 发表于 2011-6-11 09:26 | 只看该作者

楼主| 发表于 2011-6-11 10:32 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2011-11-16 16:16 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-11-18 17:07 | 只看该作者


发表于 2011-11-18 21:37 | 只看该作者
原帖由 岭南人 于 2011-11-18 17:07 发表

发表于 2011-11-20 18:42 | 只看该作者
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