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发表于 2015-10-31 20:19 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

《汉译南传大藏经·中部》 翻译:元亨寺
翻译:Bhikkhu Ñāṇamoli & Bhikkhu Bodhi

That is what the Blessed One said. But those bhikkhus did not delight in the Blessed One’s Words.

he has intercourse with women who are protected by their mother, father, mother and father, brother, sister, or relatives, who have a husband, who are protected by law, and even with those who are garlanded in token of betrothal.

“Bhikkhus, a bhikkhu who is an inquirer, not knowing how to gauge another’s mind, should make an investigation of the Tathāgata in order to find out whether or not he is fully enlightened.”

So too, Rāhula, when one is not ashamed to tell a deliberate lie, there is no evil, I say, that one would not do. Therefore, Rāhula, you should train thus: ‘I will not utter a falsehood even as a joke.’
楼主| 发表于 2015-11-2 20:14 | 只看该作者
“Suppose, Āanda, the river Ganges were full of water right up to the brim so that crows could drink from it, and then a feeble man came thinking: ‘By swimming across the stream with my arms, I shall get safely across to the further shore of this river Ganges’; yet he would not be able to get safely across.

“Here, Bhaddāi, some bhikkhu does fulfil the training in the Teacher’s Dispensation. He considers thus: ‘Suppose I were to resort to a secluded resting place: the forest, the root of a tree, a mountain, a ravine, a hillside cave, a charnel ground, a jungle thicket, an open space, a heap of straw—erhaps I might realise a superhuman state, a distinction in knowledge and vision worthy of the noble ones.’
楼主| 发表于 2015-11-4 20:01 | 只看该作者
Now on that occasion a bhikkhu named Gulissāni, a forest-dweller of lax behaviour, had come on a visit to stay in the midst of the Sangha for some business or other.
“When a forest-dwelling bhikkhu comes to the Sangha and is living in the Sangha, he should not enter the village too early or return late in the day.
楼主| 发表于 2015-11-13 23:05 | 只看该作者
“As to that, Sandaka, I shall give you a simile, for some wise men here understand the meaning of a statement by means of a simile. Suppose a man’s hands and feet were cut off. Whether he is walking or standing or sleeping or awake, his hands and feet are continuously and uninterruptedly cut off, but he would know this only when he reviews the fact. So too, Sandaka, when a bhikkhu is an arahant with taints destroyed…his knowledge and vision that his taints are destroyed is not continuously and uninterruptedly present to him whether he is walking or standing or sleeping or awake; rather, he knows ‘My taints are destroyed’ only when he reviews this fact.

“Again, Udāin, my disciples esteem me for the higher wisdom thus: ‘The recluse Gotama is wise; he possesses the supreme aggregate of wisdom. It is impossible that he should not foresee the implications of an assertion or that he should not be able to confute with reasons the current doctrines of others.’ What do you think, Udāin? Would my disciples, knowing and seeing thus, break in and interrupt me?”—“No, venerable sir.”—“I do not expect instruction from my disciples; invariably, it is my disciples who expect instruction from me. This is the third quality because of which my disciples honour me…

“Now, Kaccāa, the pleasure and joy that arise dependent on these five cords of sensual pleasure are called sensual pleasure. [b]Thus sensual pleasure [arises] through sensual pleasures, but beyond sensual pleasure there is a pleasure at the peak of the sensual, and that is declared to be the highest among them.

Then the king’s men went to the potter Ghaṭ̄āa and told him: ‘Venerable sir, there are five hundred cartloads of red rice stored in the sheaf, and also sauce materials to go with it, dispatched to you by King Kikī of Kāi; please accept them.’—‘The king is very busy and has much to do. I have enough. Let this be for the king himself.’
楼主| 发表于 2015-11-29 15:53 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 醬子喲 于 2015-11-29 15:54 编辑

The venerable Ānanda said to Prince Bodhi: “Prince, let the cloth be removed. The Blessed One will not step on a strip of cloth; the Tathāata has regard for future generations.”

What do you think, prince? Suppose a man came here thinking:‘Prince Bodhi knows the art of wielding a goad while riding an elephant; I shall train in that art under him.’ If he had faith, he could achieve what can be achieved by one who has faith; if he was free from illness, he could achieve what can be achieved by one who is free from illness; if he was honest and sincere, he could achieve what can be achieved by one who is honest and sincere; if he was energetic, he could achieve what can be achieved by one who is energetic; if he was wise, he could achieve what can be achieved by one who is wise.

Then King Pasenadi of Kosala rose from his seat, and arranging his upper robe on one shoulder, he extended his hands in reverential salutation towards the Blessed One and uttered this exclamation three times: “Honour to the Blessed One, accomplished and fully enlightened! Honour to the Blessed One, accomplished and fully enlightened! Honour to the Blessed One, accomplished and fully enlightened!”

Again, venerable sir, Isidatta and Purāṇa, my two inspectors, eat my food and use my carriages; I provide them with a livelihood and bring them fame.

Sirs, the recluse Gotama possesses the thirty-two marks of a Great Man. Sirs, King Seniya Bimbisāra of Magadha and his wife and children have gone for refuge for life to the recluse Gotama. Sirs, King Pasenadi of Kosala and his wife and children have gone for refuge for life to the recluse Gotama. Sirs, the brahmin Pokkharasāti and his wife and children have gone for refuge for life to the recluse Gotama. Sirs, the recluse Gotama has arrived at Opasāda and is living at Opasāda in the Gods’ Grove, the Sāa-tree Grove to the north of Opasāa.
The brahmins honour this not only out of faith, Master Gotama. They also honour it as oral tradition.”

Then a certain bhikkhu who had spent the Rains at Rājagaha went to the venerable Sāriputta in the Southern Hills and exchanged greetings with him. When this courteous and amiable talk was finished, he sat down at one side and the venerable Sāriputta asked him: “Is the Blessed One well and strong, friend?”

“Bhikkhus, what is the character of an untrue man? Here an untrue man who has gone forth from an aristocratic family
楼主| 发表于 2015-12-6 17:18 | 只看该作者
“Ānanda, whatever recluses and brahmins in the past entered upon and abided in pure, supreme, unsurpassed voidness, all entered upon and abided in this same pure, supreme, unsurpassed voidness. Whatever recluses and brahmins in the future will enter upon and abide in pure, supreme, unsurpassed voidness, all will enter upon and abide in this same pure, supreme, unsurpassed voidness. Whatever recluses and brahmins in the present enter upon and abide in pure, supreme, unsurpassed voidness, all enter upon and abide in this same pure, supreme, unsurpassed voidness. Therefore, Āanda, you should train thus: ‘We will enter upon and abide in pure, supreme, unsurpassed voidness.’”

I shall not treat you as the potter treats the raw damp clay. Repeatedly restraining you, I shall speak to you, Āanda. Repeatedly admonishing you, I shall speak to you, Āanda. The sound core will stand [the test].”
楼主| 发表于 2015-12-27 16:18 | 只看该作者

《汉译南传大藏经·中部》 翻译:元亨寺
翻译:Maurice Walshe

《长部 第一 梵网经》
For if others disparage me, the Dhamma or the Sangha, and you are angry or displeased, can you recognise whether what they say is right or not?’ ‘No, Lord.’ ‘If others disparage me, the Dhamma or the Sangha, then you must explain what is incorrect as being incorrect, saying: “That is incorrect, that is false, that is not our way, that is not found among us.”

‘But, monks, if others should speak in praise of me, of the Dhamma or of the Sangha, you should not on that account be pleased, happy or elated. If you were to be pleased, happy or elated at such praise, that would only be a hindrance to you. If others praise me, the Dhamma or the Sangha, you should acknowledge the truth of what is true, saying: “That is correct, that is right, that is our way, that is found among us.”
楼主| 发表于 2016-1-9 20:15 | 只看该作者
‘It is the rule that when a Bodhisatta has entered his mother’s womb, she has no sickness of any kind, she is at ease and without fatigue of body, and she can see the Bodhisatta inside her womb, complete with all his members and faculties. Monks, it is as if a gem, a beryl, pure, excellent, well cut into eight facets, clear, bright, flawless and perfect in every respect, were strung on a blue, yellow, red, white or orange cord. And a man with good eyesight, taking it in his hand, would describe it as such. Thus does the Bodhisatta’s mother, with no sickness, see him, complete with all his members and faculties. That is the rule.
楼主| 发表于 2016-1-16 20:17 | 只看该作者
‘“In due course King Disampati died, and the king-makers anointed Prince Renu King in his place. And having been made King, Renu abandoned himself to the pleasures of the five senses. Then the Great Steward went to the six nobles and said: ‘Gentlemen, now King Disampati is dead the Lord Renu, who has been anointed in his place, has abandoned himself to the pleasures of the five senses. Who knows what will come of this? The sense-pleasures are intoxicating. You should go to him and say: ”King Disampati is dead and the Lord Renu has been anointed King. Do you remember your word, Lord?”’
楼主| 发表于 2016-1-16 20:18 | 只看该作者

《汉译南传大藏经·长部》 翻译:元亨寺

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